Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 15 MISMO Meeting

During our 9/15 call, we made progress on the completion of the mapping exercise. Approximately 250 (40%) of our 623 data elements were not found in the MISMO 3.1 data schema. This means we will be using 60% of what's already there, not a bad statistic :-) ... We plan to wrap up the mapping by September 30 and will need a few weeks to prepare the data spreadsheet for the Core Data Structures group (CDS). They require a unique format for making proposed changes so that will present some challenges to our group. Excitement mounts as we begin to reach our next phase! Full speed ahead!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 25 MISMO Meeting

Due to conflicting schedules, our 8/25 meeting was postponed to 9/1. Significant progress continues to be made on the data spreadsheet and we feel comfortable that on or before our MISMO tri-mester meeting and workshop we will have a product available for the architecture group. We look forward to our gathering at the end of this month!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 11 MISMO Meeting

We've contined to make significant progress on the file we're preparing for MISMO's architecture committee. We're hoping we'll be able to take the next steps by handing it over for review within the next couple of months! This will be our next big step in creating data transmission standards in the Reverse Mortgage industry!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 28 MISMO Meeting

Progress is being made on the spreadsheet, specifically around the Origination and Am Schedule sections. Document Classification was also brought up as a focus area. The team is going to compare RM documents with that of the forward side to determine which document types (ex: 1009), MISMO will need to add. The next MISMO Trimester meeting will be held September 27-30 in Fairfax, VA, with a special working session with the Reverse workgroup. More info to come!

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 14 MISMO meeting

Progress continues to be made on the excel spreadsheet. Not much to report at this time as the work moves forward. We should be in a position to hand this over to the architecture group within the next 2 months. Keep checking back for updates!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 30 MISMO Reverse ListServ meeting

We're keeping a steady momentum as evidenced by our meeting yesterday. We've had participation from several MISMO and reverse industry veterans. Our goal, at the moment, is to map the current reverese fields to the 3.1 schema and if they are already in a container, note that on our master spreadsheet. For those fields that do not already have a place in the schema, we are noting those and will create separate reverse specific containers. If you know of anyone that wants to join our efforts, let them know what we're doing and have them join the Reverse ListServ at ! The more the merrier! :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

MISMO Trimester Meeting in Las Vegas

June 6-9, Seth and I attended the MISMO Trimester meeting in Las Vegas, NV. At this meeting we learned more about how the XML process has evolved over the years. The organization is much more simple than previous generations as we will be able to create containers for reverse specific data, utilizing the existing xml for common Reverse and Forward data points. Version 3.1 is set to release in September and it's our hope that our efforts with the Reverse ListServ workgroup we can have something ready to release in the 3.1.1 update by Jan 2011.